Global War on Terrorism Memorial Foundation
Ronald Reagan Building
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20004

To Send Contributions:
Global War on Terrorism Memorial Foundation
P.O. Box 738455
Dallas, TX 75373-8455

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News from the Foundation, June 2024

The sweltering days of summer are here, but we’re powering through and executing on our mission to honor, heal, empower, and unite! Here is a roundup of our activities throughout the month of June:

Standing with Those Battling PTS

June is Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) Awareness Month, a time to acknowledge the deep connection between PTS and military and veteran suicide. Our mission is to make the Memorial a place of healing that will offer solace to those affected by PTS. No member of our Foundation family should have to fight alone, so if you or a loved one is struggling, please access resources here.

Honor Heal PTS image

Welcoming Two New Allies to our Mission

This June brought two new allies into our Johnny Micheal Spann Ally Program. The first is Honor the Promise, an organization doing incredible work helping resettle our Afghan allies that were evacuated and relocated by the U.S. Government to the U.S. Additionally, our longtime friends at the Travis Manion Foundation continue to empower veterans and families of fallen heroes to develop character in future generations. We are truly thankful for the support of both organizations!   

Rucking and Rolling

On Saturday, June 8, our CEO and President Michael Rodriguez attended the Legacy Ruck and Roll in Richmond, Virginia. Sponsored by the Drew Ross Memorial Foundation, the Legacy Ruck and Roll celebrates the legacy of post-9/11 service members in the Global War on Terrorism. This year’s Ruck and Roll raised donations for the Memorial, and we are deeply thankful to all who participated for standing with us!


Remembering D-Day

The GWOTMF team also had the honor of touring the White House in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Reflecting on the courage and sacrifice of America’s World War II heroes who stormed the beaches of Normandy motivates us to continue honoring those who have sacrificed for freedom in our time.

Welcome to the White House

Honoring General Votel

Finally, one of our board members, retired U.S. Army General Joseph Votel, was inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame, reflecting a lifetime upholding the values of the Ranger Creed. We are incredibly proud and honored to have this Global War on Terrorism leader on our team, and are continually inspired by his ongoing service to our Nation.

As always, we are grateful for every one of our supporters, and your support for an enduring Memorial to all who have served and sacrificed in the Global War on Terrorism. Follow us on social media to find out where we’ll be next!